Friday, April 3, 2009


Well, not much has been going on. Not much at all. But, I thought I'd catch everyone up on what HAS been going on... First, I went to the doctors today and things are moving along nicely. I'm at a "3" now and having lots of contractions. Hopefully I will be having a baby soon! If not by the 15th, I'm going to go ahead and get induced. I originally was against it, but the way I've been feeling, I'm all for it. The main reason my doctor even suggested it was to avoid another kidney stone episode. I'm not even thinking about those. I'm just thinking, "get this baby out of me!"
Second, Jeremy has finally joined the huge masses who have been affected by this lousy economy and got a pay cut. Not what we had in mind. He actually found out just a few days before he was supposed to be getting a pay raise. And, to make it worse, his manager said it was going to be a significant raise. Sure, rub it in!!! But, we have yet another ray of hope and he may be able to get a pay raise in July, which would either bring us back to where we were or, hopefully, more. We'll see. This sure puts a damper on our FUN that we were hoping to have this summer.
Third, I had an amazing baby shower last week put on by my dear friends, Rachelle and Julie. It was great! I had a really good turn out and lots of really neat gifts. There are some very crafty women that I know and they all gave me a little piece of their creativity and talent. For example: blankets, digi scrapbook pages of my pregnancy, a diaper bag, a wooden growth goes on and on. Super fun stuff! And lots of necessity items, like diapers and formula. Thanks everyone! I have pictures coming, so when I get them I'll post a few.
Finally, we're done with swimming and now I've been thinking of what to do next. Sam loves to do so many things. Actually, we'll probably take a break for awhile while I get used to lugging 3 kids around. We'll probably just do whatever's cheapest!
And, it snowed...again. Isn't it spring???? And, isn't this Seattle???
Here's some pictures for the viewing pleasure. I know posts aren't as fun without them! Parker's been such a goof lately!

He loves this bus and dad's hat. Silly combo.

I know, he's almost 2 with binkies! We're working on it...

Glued to the TV!


  1. Glad to hear you are doing well Monique! That was my fav part about that doctor, she let me have Clara a week early too! Let me know if you need anything in these last days :) (of your pregnancy..hehe)

  2. Sorry to hear about the pay cut. At least he still has a job, right? (Sorry - that's my new "positive attitude" talking). I can't wait to check on your blog and see pictures of a little baby! Good luck!

  3. Almost there Monique! Even though it is still a couple weeks, at least you have a definite end date, right? :) Love the pictures of Parker - what a goofball!

  4. Sorry about Jer's pay cut. I hadn't heard about that. I bet the one in July will make up for it. I can't believe you're getting so close to having your baby. So exciting. I know you will do great.
