Saturday, October 11, 2008


The whole preschool buzz has been going around for months now. I haven't really been too into it, being that Samantha still has 2 years before kindergarten. I've always thought 1 year of preschool, at least for her, was sufficient and we'd start next year. Well, my sister-in-law and friend were both thinking of doing a little "at home" preschool with their girls, so I decided to join in and see what would come of it. We've decided on 2 days a week, rotating the teaching around between the three of us. We're actually only doing 1 day a week right now, but only until the middle of next month when all our sports classes for the girls are over. Anyway, things have been going great! The girls really seem to get excited and love to go to preschool. I taught my first time on Friday and things turned out really well. We focused on the letter "C" by practicing writing it, talking about it's sounds, talking about words that start with it, playing a game (which I incorporated counting in), doing a couple crafts ( making crowns, and a big cotton ball letter "C") reading a couple books, singing a crocodile song, making cookies, eating the cookies and some cheese and crackers... we had a lot of fun! I'm so happy that I'm able to have some good friends to do this with. Our girls are having fun together and learning at the same time. Maybe next year we'll do the so called "real" preschool, but for now this is way cheaper and seems to be just as beneficial and fun!

Taylee, Sydney, and Samantha decorating their crowns with jewels and sparkly stuff. What a girl thing!


  1. I'm so glad we decided to do it, and we're actually carrying through with it. I think it's a good start for the girls, even if they can be a little silly at times.

  2. I've done the same thing with Hannah for the past 2 years. She loves it. I love having a couple hours twice a week with only 2 kids.
