Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Collin's 9 months!

Mr. Collin is now 9 months old! I'm really wondering how time has flown so fast?! I'll have a 1 yr. old in only a few months! Crazy. Well, I took him in for his well child check-up a few days ago and here's the results: Weight- 27 lbs. (greater than 97 %. That's what they say, but really they mean "OFF THE CHARTS!") Height- 30 in. (90%) Head-47 cm. (90%) SO, I've got a big boy. Here's some pictures I took of him just hangin' out today. He loves to just hang out. He's not into the whole crawling thing...or doing anything really, that involves moving, that is. Actually, that's not entirely true. He rolls in both directions, so he gets around that way, from one end the room to the other. He scoots on his bottom, and makes good distance that way, surprisingly. And, he'll occasionally "attempt" to get on all fours. It hasn't really happened yet, but he'll stay on them if I do it for him then slowly flattens out. We'll get there. Maybe.

Here's one I threw in because he's just so funny when he eats. Eating makes him really happy! And, he's been feeding himself a lot lately, so he's really messy. He's hilarious!


  1. Oh my goodness! I love that last picture so much! I'm going to have to show this Foo, he'll die! We love this kid!

  2. He's such a happy, jolly baby. Look at all those teeth too!! I wish that mine would just hang out on the couch. The only place he likes to hang out is on my hip.:) Don't worry about the crawling. Tristan has the scoot on his belly move pretty well down, and I'm wishing he would just sit there when I put him down. As long as Collin gets around, that's all that matters, I guess. I still laugh about how Parker used to bounce on his knees. Crawling isn't a necessity, after all. . . .

  3. He is SO cute!! I love that he is so chunky and happy (that's how it is supposed to be!)
    Mac isn't really moving much either...just rolling..i figure he'll get there when he wants!
