Wednesday, October 14, 2009

He's A Sitter!

My little man is officially sitting up! He just turned 6 months this past Saturday and has yet to roll over, but...he can sit! Silly, I know. Oh well. He's good at laying on his back and scooting himself around that way. He just pushes off the floor with his feet, and scoots. Not a very practical way of getting around, but it works for now. But, he loves to sit and loves to play. This is his favorite activity lately, just digging around in his basket of toys and examining them all. It keeps him busy for quite a while.

In other news...he's been a bit grumpy. But, for good reason. He got 2 teeth in just 1 week. That would make anyone grumpy!


  1. He is so cute!! And he looks so pleased with himself in all the pictures too. :) I think he totally looks like Parker in that last photo.

  2. What a cute little boy!! I love the chubby thighs.

  3. He IS SUCH a cutie! I love those cheeks! Hooray for sitting up too, I cant believe he is already 6 months!

  4. I wish I lived closer! I know I always say that but when I see how big your kids are getting it makes me sad that I don't know them and they don't know me! If you ever come to visit your Mom you better let me know so I can come and see you!!!
