Our Christmas Eve was a little more exciting than usual. We had so much snow, so instead of hanging out inside, we spent most of the day playing outside in it. It was a welcomed change of pace. The day started off by Jeremy doing something that desperately needed done...shoveling. We hadn't done any shoveling of the sidewalks or driveway, but the snow was piling up like crazy. After that, and Jeremy battling the roads to go the the grocery store, we went out to do some sledding and igloo making. The kids love sledding, so we met up with our friends, the Gumms, at the park to play in the snow. We walked to the park that is just down the street from us, but it took much longer than usual, with the snow almost up to our knees in some places. It was crazy! We then came back to our house, where Jeremy decided an igloo was appropriate to make in our wintry wonderland of a yard. The kid in him came out and he finished a great looking igloo for the kids to play in. After a fun, and cold day in the snow we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Klein's for pizza, Home Alone, games, and cookie decorating. We also got to open one gift. We were pretty convinced we weren't going to make it to their house though, with all the snow. Jeremy's trip to the store was very eventful, with lots of spinning, sliding, and stress. We ended up putting the chains on and that made a world of difference. The day turned out to be really nice and relaxing overall. It was a fun way to start the big Christmas day!
Jer doing some shoveling.
Parker, surprisingly, loves to sled!
Sam decided to try it out herself! She did great!
Parker and Natalie eating snow...yum!
Jeremy working on the igloo. Looks good!
Sam testing it out.
Sam wanted Jer to join in the fun!
The older kids decorating their sugar cookies. Silly Tay!
Presents! Thanks Jess for the My Little Pony toys!
Parker loved his gift from Aunt Jessi too!
Emily helping Parker play some music.